“Be balanced using the natural breath (belly breath) everyday”.

Spiritual teachers (Berdhanya Swami Tierra), astrologers and numerologists are sharing teachings about this 2022 year with new energy coming to Earth.  And we are the walking Earth, with the opportunity to develop a new interdependency with Earth and to adapt to rapid changes in order to be balanced and in harmony with Earth.

This means the nervous system needs to be in balance and continually supported. A prime example of stress on our nervous system has been the pandemic in the last two years. It is a time to be more inward in perception rather than focusing on the outward experience. So, self reflection, meditation, yoga, pranayamas, are all good tools for balancing the body, mind and spirit.

And this is supported by 2022 astrological and numerology predictions.

Two planets (Jupiter & Neptune) are now in the home sign of Pisces that represents connection with heart opening energy. It is a number 6 year – the number of beauty, harmony, love and relationships.  So, there are some things to consider for this year:

  1. Listen to the heart with decisions and in communication. Taking a path of “joy” is important, again, staying with your passion no matter what is happening outside in the world.
  2. Make your happiness a priority and don’t be a martyr, even if people want you to be.
  3. Allow yourself to be supported and delegate responsibility. Keep healthy boundaries and let people in to help you.

If numerology tickles your fancy, have you noticed the number of 2’s in this year’s numerology and then comes February, number 2 month and then February 22?  That makes about 6 number 2’s. And, the 0 in 2022 magnifies the energy of the 2. Wow!

So, in numerology the number two is about connection, cooperation, harmony and being contained. And there is cooperation within division e.g. abuse of power, corruption in the world. So, no surprise that it is a year of focusing on relationships, as per Kari Samuels, Intuitive & Happiness Coach with her 2022 astrology and numerology forecast.

And in this moment in Ottawa, families, teachers, educators and other professionals associated with school education, are feeling the stress of this most recent January lock-down, as well as having a big snow storm on the first day back to school or any other life tensions. So, balance is the key word!  Balancing your nervous system has never been more important in these changing times. It is like touching our toes with ++ flexibility.

So, the daily natural breath (belly breath) with your children will be your best friend! https://heartsoundsyoga.ca/belly-diaphragmatic-breathing-exercise/. And, enjoy being in nature, walking in the fresh snow on a sunny day, eating warm nutritious foods, getting enough sleep and helping out a friend(s) in need.

Have some heartfelt belly laughs with your children and don’t take life too seriously.  Most important do your passion, be positive, no matter what and observe how your children link to their passion – music, art, science, math, etc. They are the leaders of the next generation.

Simple is good! – SMILE, LAUGH & RELAX!  Let’s do this for each step on EARTH!








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