‘Tis the festive season to celebrate all one’s blessings!’ A Caroling we Go!  It really is a joyful family time to see your children perform with excitement and anticipation in Christmas concerts, recitals, etc. amidst busy Christmas preparations.


At the same time, it can be an exhausting time preparing for Christmas with all its special wrappings. So, parents and children take some space, this month to gather together around your Christmas tree, sing some Christmas songs and to reflect upon 2023 – to review the learning and experiences of this year!


Remember 2023 has been a 7 universal year which means a year of more self-reflection, looking more inward as a family and as individuals. What did you learn as a family? What were the highlights? What has changed? What life challenges did you pass through? What do you feel gratitude for? What are your dreams for 2024? How has your heart expanded?


And, December is a 1 universal month 1+2+2+0+2+3 =10 = 1+0 = 1. A new cycle is beginning to express your dreams that seemed out of reach this year.


2024 is the universal year of number 8, the number of power and achievement and action. You have the opportunity to bring your passion into new projects. Sagittarius season will help you activate your courage with bringing in bright light and energy.


Give yourself a big hug for your achievements this year and bask in your heart’s gratitude for what you learned during rapidly changing times. Be kind to yourself and make yourself a priority. Tune in to what you want to take with you next year and what you need to let go of that is no longer serving you. You deserve it, and you will glitter & shine with renewed brightness


Wishing you all the blessings of Christmas!


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