Discover ‘Shining Rainbow Hands’ on the rainbow planet with your kids. There will be fun live sing-along songs that go with the story in this yoga workshop.

Enjoy an adventurous ‘yoga’ journey with ‘Darius’, who floats from Earth to the ‘Rainbow Planet’ on a red balloon and discovers rainbow magic. Share your ‘creative spark’ with rainbow yoga and sing/dance along to lively songs with ‘Darius’ and other rainbow musicians. Your hearts will experience the magic of the rainbow people!
The music is from the new ‘Shining Rainbow Hands’ CD that also features this workshop story – ‘All the Colours of Your Hands’.
Musicians: Sylvia Larrass – music arranger, vocals, Reiko Lokker – violin, Francis Siddhartha Houleo – 9-year old who loves to sing & takes violin lessons.
Where: Rideau Sports Centre, River Room
Date: Saturday, September 28th
Time: 1-2 PM
Pre-Registration: $15 for child/parent; $5 for each extra person. Parents, grandparents and other friends are welcome to join this workshop.
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