“Nourish yourself this month as you harmonize yourself with your heart beat and reflect on your highest passion.”
May is the month to celebrate the new blooms of Spring, reminding us of the beauty of our mother’s heart. This year Mother’s Day is on May 12th, (1+2 – 3), with the number 3 reflecting the time to EXPRESS the love for our mother’s beautiful heart and our own heart.
We all have gratitude for our mother’s teachings! My mother taught me to follow my passion in life. She was a good role model and encouraged me to use my talents freely and to build upon the foundation that she provided. She had the inner strength of the warrior, never giving up, moving through life challenges with a smile and with endurance. She loved being in community helping others and was always connected to her innocent nature.
So, I would like to honor my mother’s legacy on this special day! And, it is not about connecting from the heart in a sentimental way but in a compassionate and neutral way. Part of my own heart’s nourishment has been to accept all my life experiences which has included completing something new for my ancestors.
Yoga and meditation help us to calm our mind, be more centered and to be in line with our natural self. In this place, we can reflect on our life experiences and take the learning, and not judge ourselves or others. The key word here is ‘forgiveness.’ With forgiveness we can truly be in the present moment living life with passion and not be haunted by past hurts, events. As my teacher says, “We always get what we need and not what we want.”
So on Mother’s Day have some quality time with your mother, grand-mother – a time to nourish each other and the family. The month of May is a great time to walk in nature, absorbing all the beauty of flowering spring trees, bushes, tulips.. Sit in meditation in nature and give gratitude for all the blessings in your life with family, friends and community.
And, you can offer something back to Mother Earth with your own ceremony with natural things – acorns, leaves, flowers, herbs, pictures, rocks, wood, etc. This is true nourishment to yourself and Mother Earth. This month brings the excitement of creating new projects, events.
We can RELAX more this month because the strong Aries energy of April is behind us. It is the month to enjoy and appreciate simple things. May is a 4 universal month (5 + 2024 = 5+ 8 = 13 = 4) in numerology with focus on building good structure in your material world and to ground yourself in your projects. And, Jupiter is in Taurus allowing enjoyment and nourishment as well as weeding out our negative belief systems.
So, enjoy this time slowing down by being in nature, taking time for yourself and the family. You are re-setting your body for the spring cycle. Also, reflect upon how you are investing your energy? Remember you are the priority which means allowing yourself to receive love and abundance in your life.
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