by Anamda | Knowledge, Yoga
This September is the month to really focus on your breath big time for abundance and energy to meet any life event. Learn the “Yogic Breath” that will be your best friend in any given moment!
by Anamda | Ayurveda, Nutrition
Here is a new way to use rhubarb in your Gaspacho recipe. This is a good recipe to balance and cool your body with these very hot (pitta), humid days.
by Anamda | Knowledge, Yoga
Learn more about corpse pose and how it is used with other yogic practices and at the end of a yoga set. It will become second nature to relax into this position, even at bedtime.
by Anamda | Events, Knowledge, Meditation
June is a month for lightness and fun in group activities and with family and at the same time having a more expanded perspective of your life and natural self. Meditation will support this lightness!
by Anamda | Events, Knowledge
Here is a powerful concentration exercise for the whole family to do during April Stress Awareness Month. Are you up for the challenge which reaps many benefits?
by Anamda | Knowledge, Nutrition
This hearty stew is great to make for dinner for your family and your children will have fun helping cut up the vegetables. If your children don’t like black beans you can try another type of bean or use tofu.
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