“Experience the art and science of Breathontology and all its benefits.”
This summer, I’m excited to be teaming up with a few fellow breathontology coaches to offer you an opportunity to explore the power of your breath through an inspiring 8-week online series.
I look forward to teaching the first summer class on July 5th. And throughout the summer you will have the opportunity to experience several amazing classes with our Breathontology group.
Breathontology is the art and science of using the breath to support balance, well-being, rejuvenation and self-awareness.
Classes are designed to be gentle, fun, rejuvenating and inspiring. They include guided relaxation, gentle movements, breathwork, and meditation, and are suitable for beginners or those of any level of experience or background.
Our FREE 8-week series starts this Tuesday, July 5 at 6 pm EST in an online forum.
Care to join us?
Feel free to reach out to me directly or email: https://heartsoundsyoga.ca/contact-us/ to register or learn more. And for more information about Breath Coaching go to this link. https://heartsoundsyoga.ca/services/#breathodontology
I look forward to seeing some of your smiling faces soon!
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