“Learn the alternate nostril breath for balance for the whole family.”
Are you ready to embrace this universal 8 year, a year of action to put your dreams into motion? You are likely reflecting on the victories and lessons of 2023 and the courage developed as you passed through challenges leading you to a new beginning.
We are expanding into a new light in 2024! It is a year to balance your actions with periods of stillness! – to balance the male and female sides of you. Every person has both male (sun- action) and female (moon, more receptive and open to different possibilities). The male is an anchor for the female and the female wants to express, experience new things.
It is important to have the balance between the two. Have you noticed when you over-extend, how this affects your energy, as an example? We experience duality, polarity between the male and female if we are not balanced. They are always in opposition but find the balance in the heart with sky (male) above and earth (female) below.
You can stay in balance by being conscious of the BREATH. MINDFULNESS, really plays a part here! The BELLY BREATH is a great way for parents and kids to stay focused, content and creative. Kids have that resiliency to bounces back with any challenge. Why not give them some extra tools that will help them sail easily through the ups and downs of life.
So, to start off the year, I am highlighting a breath that balances the male and female aspects, balancing the 2-sides of the brain leading to more focus, relaxation and optimal oxygen uptake.
It is called Alternate Nostril Breathing – in Sanscrit – Anulom Vilom. Please check the blog post this month that gives the steps to do it.
AND, the priority of Heart Sounds Yoga in 2024 is to give families the tools to stay balanced by shifting to the format of PRIVATE CLASSES for children and families in 2024. It is an opportunity to focus on your family’s personal needs. Please take a look at Children’s Yoga page under Services.
So, in January, I will be offering a 2-week ‘YOGA NIDRA’ course for children, with the parents also joining in to support a daily practice for your child for better sleep, increased relaxation and proper breathing. An audio tape and other written resources will be included. Last summer, families found the 2-week program very grounding, uplifting and easy to follow. You will find the course in services section – courses for 2024.
And, tapping into the POWER OF THE BREATH is a big focus to help children, families and communities to stay balanced through this year. Breath work helps balance our nervous system which is constantly being bombarded with changes in our solar system, filtering right down to our own biology. The breath is our protection to live a life full of vitality and centeredness.
Stay tuned for breath work workshops throughout the year and consider bringing BREATH WORK to your life and to your workplace. Community Health Centers are providing very positive feedback about Heart Sounds Yoga workshops to their catchment area.
It is never too late to take action, be responsible for your own health and well-being in difficult times of great change! Are you up to taking the first step to pass through any challenges this coming year? I trust that you are.
Happy New Year everyone!
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